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It is a great honor to be invited to speak at the New York Society of Security Analysts?– an organization founded in 1937 by, among others, the father of security analysis — Columbia University professor Benjamin Graham.

The title of my presentation is Intelligent Option Investing: The Intersection Between Options & Value Investing, and I’ll be giving it on?Wednesday June 3, 2015 between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM at the NYSSA Conference Center.

It’s a strange coincidence, but it turns out that the first formal presentation ever given at NYSSA was made in September, 1937 by someone named?Lawrence Klybert. The topic was ?Options ? Their Effect on the Market Price of Stocks.? Hopefully, my options presentation will be as historic!

See the NYSSA announcement for the specific details regarding date, place, and time.

If your group is interested in having me?speak to you, please contact me through the form below.

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