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Even people who love their Tesla cars, are planning to get Tesla solar roof panels, and who are saving up for a ride on Space-X must admit one thing: Tesla burns through a prodigious amount of cash.

One commentator has gone so far as to call Tesla “structurally bankrupt.” By this, he means that the firm’s operations are not self-sustaining and that it is unable to function as a going concern without access to capital markets. Here is what a structurally bankrupt firm looks like on a graph:

Figure 1. Source: Company Announcements, Framework Investing Analysis

Viewed from our preferred measure of profitability – Owners’ Cash Profits (OCP) – Tesla has generated only one year’s worth of profits in its operational history, in 2013. Profit is shown by a green column in the graph above and loss in red. (In our calculation of Tesla’s OCP, we include a line item called “Collateralized lease borrowing.” This might be controversial, but we believe it is appropriate. We have provided Framework Members a spreadsheet with our calculations and will be talking about Tesla in our “Office Hours” for this week.)

At the same time, the company has had to invest heavily to allow its revenues to expand at the rate that they have – a compound annual growth rate of nearly 100% over the six-year period ending in 2016. Investment outflows are shown in blue in the diagram above.

Deducting a firm’s investment spending from the cash profits it generates gives us a measure that we term Free Cash Flow to Owners (FCFO), which is shown by the black line in the diagram above.

You will note that the FCFO line never comes close to turning positive during this period, and in fact, seems to be accelerating downward. One very valid way to define “structurally bankrupt” is this precise situation – a firm that is consistently unable to generate positive FCFO.

In this case, the only way the firm can survive as a going concern is to tap the capital markets. Indeed, Tesla has raised an enormous amount of money as a public company and will certainly require more capital raises as time goes on.

To a certain extent, Tesla’s capital raises are exactly what one would expect. Young firms in capital-intensive businesses must invest heavily at the outset; in return, revenues shoot up very quickly, as we see with Tesla.

If a young firm manages its costs well, they grow slower than revenues and profit rises rapidly as a result; eventually the period of heavy investment slows, and the spending can be completely covered by generated profits.

Until that point, the firm is structurally bankrupt – it must tap capital markets to remain a going concern.

Tesla is a new company, but what about GM and Ford – two stalwarts of American Industry?

We find that GM is, by our definition above, also structurally bankrupt:

Figure 2. Source: Company Announcements, Framework Investing Analysis

Ditto for Ford:

Figure 3. Source: Company Announcements, Framework Investing Analysis

You will notice that both GM and Ford’s FCFO line has continuously been below zero since 2012 – a period of six years. That qualifies in my mind as “consistently unable to generate positive FCFO,” our definition of a structurally bankrupt concern.

You might counter that both firms had a year or two of positive FCFO in the past. This is a good observation and we explain this temporarily positive FCFO and how it speaks to the topic of “structural bankruptcy” below.
The most notable difference between the old guard and Tesla is that the incumbents generate consistent profits. To understand the source of these profits, one must understand the concept of operating leverage.

Being a capital-intensive business means having a high fixed cost base. A high fixed cost base means owning large factories and expensive equipment, as is true for GM and Ford. Fixed costs are fixed – they accrue whether or not the machines are idle or are working three shifts. When demand for the end product is low, revenues slow to a trickle and are unable to cover the cost of the idled machinery. When demand for the end product is high, a high proportion of each dollar of revenues in excess of the fixed cost line turns to profit.

As such, the key to successfully running a high operating leverage business is to make sure that you have plenty of demand for your end product.
Legacy automakers are faced with a real conundrum. The real price of automobiles has doubled since the mid-1970s while median worker pay has remained stagnant over the same time. In addition, competition is fierce, and, with the exception of the shape of the hood ornament, products are largely commoditized. To top things off, the average car spends 95% of its time idled – sitting in a parking spot or garage, twiddling its mechanical thumbs until its owner returns.

The surest ways legacy automakers have found to spur demand in the face of these significant headwinds is by

  1. Loaning money to clients to buy the cars (“0% interest and no money down!”) or
  2. Buying the cars themselves and loaning them to clients in return for a lease payment.

In general, Framework views any moneys lent to joint venture partners that has the prospect of boosting future revenues as an investment.
For the automakers, we consider the customers to be the companies’ joint venture partners in some sense, so the net amount of money loaned to them must be counted as investment spending.

Comparing profits to the amount of money loaned to customers for GM and Ford presents a startling picture.

Figure 4. Source: Company Announcements, Framework Investing Analysis

Over the last three years, GM has loaned out on the order of $20 billion a year and generated average profits of only $5 billion per year.

Figure 5. Source: Company Announcements, Framework Investing Analysis

Ford generates more profits than GM – an average of around $8 billion over the last three years – partly because it carries a much higher level of financial leverage than GM. Even still, it has loaned out an average of around $17 billion per year over the last three years – around twice of what it has generated in cash profits.

The only year showing positive net loan value (2010) was one when GM was bankrupt and Ford nearly so. They were both calling in their loans and being miserly about new loan issuance, despite the Cash For Clunkers program.

These firms must generate revenues to cover their fixed costs. This forces them to loan money to customers; so much money that if the firms did not have access to capital markets, they would not be able to survive as going concerns.

Tesla is structurally bankrupt, but so are GM and Ford. Time to turn our attention overseas to see if there might be an auto investment there.