The bearish investment in Whole Foods Market (WFM) that we detailed in an IOI Tear Sheet GreenLock dated December 30, 2015 expired last Friday, generating realized returns of 22% over its 142-day duration. Those of you interested in our valuation analysis at the time can access our Valuation Report GreenLock.

Our investment expressed the opinion that the shares were overvalued or very close to being so at the time. We essentially risked $11 of capital per share in the hope of generating a cash inflow of $2.50 / share (an implied return of 22%).

During this period, the S&P 500 Index decreased in value slightly from 2,063.36 to 2,052.32, so our period return of 22% handily beat the market while also providing bearish exposure and acting as a hedge.

The stock price has risen over the last several days, so we will look for another opportunity to open a bearish investment position.

Selling 10 contracts of this position would have just about paid for the IOI 100-Series Course and three months of web-based learning support!