by Erik Kobayashi-Solomon | Feb 20, 2019 | Commentary
Genetic modification of plants is humanity’s oldest and best trick. Eurasians had it easy when it came to cultivating wheat — its original form was pretty close to its present cultivated one. Mesoamericans, on…
by Erik Kobayashi-Solomon | Feb 13, 2019 | Research
I have been doing some work to understand the rules related to investments made in Opportunity Zones and have discovered that they offer some breathtaking advantages to long time-horizon investors.…
by Erik Kobayashi-Solomon | Feb 1, 2019 | Commentary
When Pacific Gas and Electric PCG declared bankruptcy – a topic I discussed in my article PG&E: The First S&P 500 Climate Change Casualty – I was in the midst…
by Erik Kobayashi-Solomon | Jan 31, 2019 | Research
While my wife was shivering in Chicago, I was enjoying a nice sushi lunch in LA, speaking with Jim McDermott, managing director of US Renewables Group and Rusheen Capital. Jim…
by Erik Kobayashi-Solomon | Jan 30, 2019 | Commentary
As strange as it might seem considering the increasingly frightening data and scientific studies being published nearly data (Greenland’s Melting Ice Nears a ‘Tipping Point,’ Scientists Say – NY Times,…