by Mahesh Dubal | Aug 7, 2024
Resources Speaking Engagements Blog Buy on Amazon Financial Pros. Portfolio Managers. Serious Investors. Intelligent Investors’ Guide to Options This guide melds an intuitive explanation of options – simple, directional tools that offer a peerless way to tailor...
by Erik Kobayashi-Solomon | Mar 11, 2019 | Commentary
Most people think of the arctic as remote – a wasteland inhabited by polar bears (true) and penguins (untrue) – with little relevance to their daily lives. Most people are wrong. While the arctic may be distant for us geographically, what happens there has an enormous...
by Erik Kobayashi-Solomon | Mar 7, 2019 | Commentary
If you ask most people how we will get to a zero-carbon world, they’re likely to talk about electric cars and wind farms. However, climate cognoscenti know that the two largest contributors to climate change are industrial processes and agriculture, whose greenhouse...
by Erik Kobayashi-Solomon | Feb 28, 2019 | Commentary
Author and podcaster, Sam Harris, points out that people’s political positions tend to cluster: if you meet a gun control advocate, you can safely bet they also favor legal access to abortion services, for instance. The problem is that people’s opinions about...
by Erik Kobayashi-Solomon | Jan 30, 2019 | Commentary
As strange as it might seem considering the increasingly frightening data and scientific studies being published nearly data (Greenland’s Melting Ice Nears a ‘Tipping Point,’ Scientists Say – NY Times, Oceans warming faster than expected:...